Curious Pursuits, Margaret Atwood

Curious Pursuits: Occasional Writing 1970-2005 (Chinese Edition) - Margaret Atwood

It's a good while since I read any Atwood, and wow, I'd forgotten just how engaging her non-fiction is. And how funny she can be, especially when she turns her weather eye on herself, in the most self-deprecating fashion, as in a couple of these essays.


This was a lot of fun, and at 15 minutes an episode x 6, it was a great short listen to fit in around other things going on. It's abridged, and doesn't contain all the essays from the book, but it did make me very much want to get the whole book and read it. 


The only thing about this I didn't like is the narrator (not Atwood herself) had a voice that was like nails on a chalkboard for me. YMMV.


Via Bettie who can always find all this great stuff on the BBC site, when I never can. 


Also a very nice review of the full book, which just makes me want to get the entire thing to read even more @The Guardian (yes that Guardian, who are normally quite sensible about books and authors.)